01 Deaths Head

I last tackled Deaths Head back in 2019 for #DrawDeathsHeadDay but I never really felt like I got him, it’s a difficult design to get right.

Deaths Head (2019) drawn in Procreate

I approached it completely differently this time and spent a few hours sketching out some ideas earlier in the week, just messing with proportions and style. I was also planning to draw #MarvelUKtober traditionally and thought the sketches would be a good way to test different pens, paper and whiteout. I inked some of this with a Posca fine-liner and it’s a really rich beautiful black on the page, very satisfying!

Traditional inks are just too time intensive for me at the moment so the majority of the list will prob be produced digitally, here’s the final ‘rough to inks’ drawn in Clip Studio Paint for Day 01:

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